Arrival & Dismissal

We need your assistance in managing our arrival and dismissal procedures. Our traffic patterns for arrival and dismissal are the same as in years past. We ask that these procedures be followed for the safety of our students and staff.


Arrival will begin at approximately 8:50 AM. It is important to note that your child should remain in your vehicle until 8:50 AM because supervision of students doesn’t begin until 8:50 AM. When waiting along Wesmere Parkway to enter the parking lot, we ask in collaboration with the Joliet Police Department, that you pull to the side of the road, so traffic can still flow on Wesmere Parkway.

At 9:05 AM, all staff members will enter the building to begin their school day. Staff and students must be in their classrooms by the time the bell rings at 9:05 AM. If you arrive after 9:05 AM, you must park in the front parking lot and walk your child to the main office because your child is considered tardy after 9:05 AM.

Early Release

If you need to sign your child(ren) out early for any reason during the school day, you must be here by 3:20 PM. If you arrive later than 3:20 PM, we will not be able to pull your child(ren) out of the classroom(s), and you will need to wait until we begin dismissal at 3:35 PM.


Dismissal will begin at approximately 3:35 PM. Students who are considered car riders should be picked up from the car rider lines on the north side of the building. Students who are considered walkers will exit the front door. We ask that all students exit the building promptly while using the sidewalk. There should not be any parents parking in the front lot and meeting their children out front.

Please be mindful when exiting the parking lot that the far south exit is the only exit used. If you're turning left at the stop sign then you'd use the left lane. If you're turning right then you'd use the right lane to exit. This ensures that our students have access to the crossing guard when walking across Wesmere Parkway.

These procedures as detailed above are strictly enforced due to staff and student safety. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding the arrival and dismissal procedures, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Front of Building Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

Cars that are dropping off or picking up students need to do so on the side of the building, per our building procedures. The front of the building needs to be open for students who are walkers. Also, we are asking for help in keeping students safe by not completing U-turns within the intersections or parking over the crosswalk. Crosswalks should be used by all walkers.

Outdoor Supervision

We have had incidents brought to our attention regarding the supervision of students outside before the first bell at 8:50 am. Before the bell, our staff is preparing for the start of a busy, day full of learning. Staff does not go outside to begin supervising students until the bell rings at 8:50 am. We ask that you adjust your morning arrival to assist in reducing these incidents.

Car Riders

We need your assistance to ensure that our car rider line runs efficiently in the mornings. We do not want our car rider line to delay the start of our instructional day for our staff and students. Please help us by ensuring that you are:

  • Do not release students from your vehicle until you see a staff member present outside the building.

  • Only releasing students along the sidewalk when a staff member is present.

  • Not getting out of your vehicle. Staff members are there to provide additional assistance.

  • Helping your child be prepared for drop off instead of being on devices or playing with toys.

  • Not slowing down or stopping by the door as your child walks into the building.

Wesmere Parkway

There have been safety concerns shared by community members and our dedicated crossing guards regarding the adherence to road rules and regulations on Wesmere Parkway. We understand that everyone leads busy lives, but we must remain vigilant and conscientious when traveling through this area.

To help maintain a safe environment for all, we kindly request that you take a moment to review and reaffirm the following rules of the road:

  • Observe Speed Limits: Please drive at or below the posted speed limits on Wesmere Parkway. Excessive speed can pose a significant risk to pedestrians and other road users.

  • Respect Stop Signs and Signals: Always come to a complete stop at stop signs and adhere to traffic signals. These regulations are in place to safeguard everyone's well-being.

  • Yield to Pedestrians: Be sure to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians at crosswalks and intersections. It is our shared responsibility to protect those on foot, especially our young students.

  • Follow Crossing Guard Instructions: Our crossing guards play a vital role in ensuring safe pedestrian crossings. Please respect their signals and instructions, as they have the same authority as police officers in these situations.

  • Avoid Distractions: Minimize distractions in your vehicle, such as texting or using your phone, to ensure you are fully attentive to the road.

  • Practice Patience: Remember that patience and courtesy go a long way in maintaining a safe and harmonious traffic flow.

Your cooperation in adhering to these road rules is crucial in fostering a safe environment for our community members, especially our children. We appreciate your ongoing commitment to the well-being of all those who utilize Wesmere Parkway.